Good Evening fine folks.
I am writing my post for tomorrow tonight because I have something to do which I will explain in just a minute. So in my first real post I stated that I have been unemployed since march of 2009. And then this morning I had to go to go to work. These seem like contradictions. Well they are. I have a part time-ish job. I do some concrete "consultant" work for a contractor here in Statesboro. I will post a picture later to show what it is I do. My responsibilities are to go and make sure that the concrete pours that these guys do are done correctly. I have to make sure everything is done per the DOT (dept of transportation) specifications. I got this job because a good friend of mine works for this contractor and he knew I was out of work and he knows that I posses mad concrete skills. Booyah! Its pretty easy work for me and it's a paycheck. Basically I will drive to the job about three days a week and we pour a little bit of concrete and then when I leave the nice little town of Pembroke Georgia has some more sidewalks for its constituents not to walk on. The problem with this kind of setup is that like for the past month the weather has kept me from working. First it was the rain and the holidays. I realize that the holidays are not weather. I got it. Then after the first of the year it is too cold to pour concrete and it set properly before the temperature gets below freezing. This is where those DOT standards come in. See it has to be 45 degrees and rising in order to pour concrete on a state funded project. Now our lovely inspector stated that temperature had to be achieved in the shade. So needless to say i have not been called into "work" for the last two weeks.
Ok so I am pretty sure that was not as entertaining as what you are used to so I will try to rectify that situation now. As I mentioned before it has been cold here for about two weeks. Colder than I can remember for such a sustained period of time at least. Well today the temp is going to be conducive for concrete pouring. The problem is I don't particularly care to be out in the cold. There are actually two things I don't like when I am at work. Being cold or being wet. If I am ever cold and wet well then don't talk to me about anger issues because no amount of therapy I get is gonna help. By the way I told my therapist that I was writing this blog and she should check it out. I don't know if she has but as far as I can tell she has not become a follower. I don't know how that makes me feel. Maybe I need to write that down in my journal to discuss next time I go see her. I am kidding I don't keep a journal. Ok back to the cold and my dislike of it. I learned a long time ago that if I just layered my clothes when I had to be outside I would be fine. The problem is I layer like Ralphie's little brother in A Christmas Story except I do it on purpose. I literally can not move my arms I have so much clothes on. But you know what I am not cold. Well today was one of those days where I layered up real nice. And of course once I got all bundled up I had to go to the port o potty. Never fails. So here comes a little of honesty some may not care for so I am sorry. As previously mentioned I do not like the cold. There are other parts of me that dislike it as much if not more than I do. So let me tell you that little easter egg hunt is real fun when you are having to go through a pair of coveralls, pants, thermal underwear, and a pair of boxer briefs. The zippers are not that difficult but the fly's on the underwear can be a little annoying. Even more so when you add a new twist to the process. And that twist was I apparently put my thermals on backwards today when I got dressed. Ok so that could happen to anybody I am sure but at some time you think you would notice. Not me, not until I had to go potty. That's not even the worse part. The worse part is that that was the most comfortable those thermals have ever felt. When I had them on backwards. That disturbed me a little. That and the fact I could not tell they were on backwards. I didn't change them though so I guess tomorrow I will just tuck my business to the back and wear a dress. I don't know where that just came from.
Update on the weight loss. Two nights ago I read my triathlete magazine for about thirty minutes and then ate some cheesecake. So we will chalk that up to counter productive. Today I ate a double cheeseburger at the diner in Pembroke. And man was it on heck of a burger. They threw in some free apple cobbler because they were out of onion rings so I had to settle for fries. But I am glad to report I went on a run today. My friend Candice called and asked if I wanted to run today and we did a little two and a half mile run. So thanks to her. I had cheesecake tonight though. I did watch the Xterra US world Championships tonight and that gave me a little inspiration.
And now for the reason I am writing tonight as opposed to tomorrow morning. I have a job interview in the morning. Its for a computer technician type job. I did not actually apply for this job. The people I am interviewing with heard from a friend of mine that I am good ad trouble shooting computers and they said they would like to talk to me. So we will see. I am excited just because it would be a good job for me but more because I am just glad to get an interview. I have applied in the last ten months to many positions. I have yet to hear a word from any of them. What I've learned from this is that people do not want to hire someone with a college degree for a high school graduate type position. The thing is if I didn't want to do the work I wouldn't have applied for the position but I guess they do not see it that way. It doesn't matter because I am going to get this job tomorrow and then I am going straight to the pocket protector store. I've got my shirt's ironed and slacks pressed. I ironed two shirts because I am not sure how I will feel in the morning about one or the other when I wake up. So if I get this job I guess the blog can end because it was supposed to be about my journey to find a job. I never thought the search could come so quickly. But you know what they say things will happen when you least expect them. There they go again running off at the mouth. Ok well good night and as always....
peace out
I apologize if this post wasn't real funny. I will do better. Hey at least I have a profile picture up. Thank you James for that. The rest of you didn't even notice did you? Pay attention. That's B with me in the picture by the way.
I like the profile picture Gregory!!!! Hey, I thought you were going to post your daily weight on this blog. Are you scared now?