So after her nap we leave and drive to Savannah and arrive at the civic center. Remember when I said I was excited. Well I was also over zealous because we got there thirty minutes before the pre-show. That's a lot of time to be in the lobby with all these souvenir stands. And if you do not have children or have never taken your child to an event like the circus or Disney on ice let me just fore warn you about something. Take the price of the ticket and double that. That's what you are going to spend on things that spin, light up, make noise, and or hats for your kid at one of these things. Now you may think that the kids want everything they see. That's not so much the case when I am involved. B will usually want one or two things and they are easy to pick out. Whatever has the most lights or makes the most noise is what she is going to want. The expense comes when I decide that she needs some other things that she does not realize she needs. The last time we went to Disney on ice, i went to the concession stand and came back with $50 worth of nemo merch.
And another thing about souvenirs at these things. If you go with two children, do not for one second think you can get by with buying one kid something and not the other. Does not matter if the other child gets something of their own, oh no. You better be prepared to buy two of everything. B's friend Bo and her mom went with us to the circus and we had to double up on everything, just like NASA. It was good times.
OK so they finally open the doors and we get to go in. Along with thinking my child needs everything they sell I also believe she should be privy to the best seats, so our seats were on the floor first row. Well this posed a problem. If you remember from my other post, there apparently is a high concentration of hillbillies at the circus. Well when we got in the arena B's hillbilly-dar must have went berserk because she was having none of that. I still am not sure if it was the crowd or juggling that freaked her out but she was not happy. Well Bo wanted to see what all the commotion was about so I took her closer to the ring and while we were there one of the circus performers gave her a clown nose. So think back to the previous paragraph and you realize this is not going to go over very well when we get back to our seats. Well sure enough when Bo and I returned B wanted to know where we got that nose from and hillbillies be damned she want me to take her to go get her one. I never found the guy that was handing them out but much like me, B is not going to accept failure. She found one halfway across the floor and went on herself a little recon mission to retrieve herself a clown nose.

Now we were a little concerned that the clowns would actually pose a problem for the girls. Much to my surprise when the head clown spoke to B she actually said hey and gave him a hi-five. Now she was on a mission for that clown nose and asked if that clown was the one giving them out so to her he was cool. But please keep those hillbillies away.
But the best moment for me at the circus besides the guys that were doing all the twirly whirly stuff during the show was when the elephants entered. The look on B's face was like the commercial says, priceless. She was awestruck at this huge thing having just walked in and all fear was gone because she wanted to go over and pet it. It is such a great feeling for me when she gets to experience something new and is excited about it.She was at times mesmerized.

On the non-circus front. I had another job interview Friday and it too was pretty much a waste of my time. The lady "interviewing" me did not even know my name. During her little presentation she actually refer ed to me in an example as "Mr. So and So." It was a real unprofessional environment. I mean during the little "opportunity of a life time" video they had me and the other girl watch, the computer's screen saver kicked in four different times which required that I get up and go turn it off and make the video play again. So I will have to find a job elsewhere.
I did get my laptop up and running so now I can update the blog from the comfort of my recliner while watching t.v. It has worked out pretty good thus far tonight. I've been steady typing away while watching the Atlanta Hawks game. So hopefully I will get back on track with daily updates. There really has not been much comedy going on n my life the last few days and I think that's one reason why I have not posted on here. I have had one request to updated so hopefully that person is happy now. O.k. until next time.
peace out
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