Tuesday, January 12, 2010

...And in the Begining He created his Blog...

If that title comes across as a little sacrilegious it was supposed to. I do not have the energy tonight to get into religion. That time is reserved for Pastor Mike currently on Sunday Mornings and the Jehovah's Witnesses that come by on Sunday afternoons, but like I said I don't want to get into that right now. Good evening...but I digress.

Ok, so a little about me which is what I think that profile section is all about but I can count of any of you to actually go click on that to find out what I am all about. That's what this first post is all about. Technically its the fourth post but if we are gonna get all hung up on technicalities this is going to be a very long, uncomfortable journey. And once you get on board you are in it for the long haul. I do not give up on anything and I'm not gonna give up on any of you my readers. I expect the same sort of commitment from each and everyone of you. I will be here for you. The question is will you be here for me? Well, will you?

So paragraph two up there didn't really tell you anything about me. I am 33 years old. I live in Statesboro Georgia. I've lived here since I was in the fifth grade. I am a German citizen. Now that is going to come as a big surprise to a lot of folks that have known me for a long time. I do not know why it does but it seems like everyday someone else realizes that I am not a citizen. It's funny because you can see that look on their face when it hits them. I'd like to say its like a light bulb going off but its never that smart of a look. And right after that perplexed dumb look come the green card jokes. So lets all take a moment here to laugh at me having a green card. ha ha ha you can't even be president, ha ha ha. Not that I would vote for you. I actually had one of my best friends tell me that one night. So there is another tid bit about me. Some folks do not believe I am president material.

I have a three year old daughter. That would probably be what most defines me now and for the last three years. She is my world. There will most likely be many many entries here about the funny things she says or does. She is funnier than her old man which is not easy to be. Because I am one funny mofo. Or so I've been told. That's actually the reason behind this blog. People always seem to get a big kick and or laugh out of my stories. Now the only problem with that for me is I do not tell stories thinking they are funny. These are stories about my day to day life. If they were so funny you would think that I would just be laughing my ass off all day long. Hey but what r you gonna do (badazoomzoomzoom badaoomboom). If you need proof right now just refer back to that funny ass green card story. Do you see what I mean? I kid.

So it is January and I have been unemployed for something like ten months. I used to work for the family business doing curb and gutter work and concrete sidewalks. I was known as the curbman. Now I am just the "gonna find himself living in the gutter man." So I thought that what I would do was start this blog and document my journey to finding a new job and the funny things that may happen along the way. I hope to post at least one entry per day of the things that happen each day.

Anyway, I promise that moving forward these entries wont be so whatever this one is? Non-entertaining I guess. So lets all fasten our seat belts. Keep our hands and feet inside the car at all times. And most of all, lets try to have a good time.

peace out


p.s. If anyone has a decent picture of me that I can use on my profile send it to me. I apparently don't have any of myself, which is really really weird because I've always been accused of being narcissistic and conceited. See how I conveniently left that out of the "let me tell you about me part." I've also just learned that I can not spell for crap.

p.p.s or p.s.s whichever it is . I haven't decided yet if I am going to change people's names to protect them or not. Just know this. If I write something about you I dont do it mean spirtedly. I do it for the comic aspect. Its for the greater good of all that read, not just to make fun of you. I mean I am making fun of you but its not just for my amusement but for everyone's. I, on the otherhand, will never make fun of myself here and I suggest you don't either. I am very sensitive. I have a story about my supposed sensitivity that I can not currently get into because ...it doesn't matter. I don't need that drama

1 comment:

  1. Can't believe your best friend would say such a thing! What a bitch!
