Ok so if you haven't noticed I have been in sort of a mood as of late. That being said I'd like to talk about something. And that something is haters. We all know haters in our lives. People who say we can't do something or something we want or like is not what we should do or like. Hating can present it self in many ways. One way is when people make smart ass comments to you about something you have or are doing. Sometimes I believe it is that they just don't know what to really say in that setting so they say some cliche thing that just comes across as assish. As I get older I realize that a lot of those things mothers always say really do hold true. Such as "If you don't have anything nice to say, keep your damn mouth shut!" Now my mother was a German woman and we Germans have a way of putting things. We are very selective and sensitive to others when we speak. That would be sarcasm thee for those of you that don't have a lot of experience with us Germans. I will tell you what brought all this up for me today. I have a dear friend that is building a house. Well apparently several people like to comment to her and or her husband that they must be rich to build such a big house. It makes them feel bad when people say things like this. I have dealt with the same sort of comments. But here is the thing, what if they are rich, so be it. Its their money they can build whatever they want. Now lets say they don't have any of the money needed to build this house. Who's business is it of anyone? What it comes down too is jealousy. Someone is mad that they either can't or don't think that they can afford the same thing. Maybe they can maybe they can't. The point is don't hate. Better yet don't concern yourself with it. Be happy for others and what they want to have for themselves. Hell you don't even have to be happy. Maybe you don't really care, but don't go make some run of the mill comment that may hurt some one's feelings or make them feel bad about something they are doing. Brings up another thing we were all told growing up. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. We could all learn to live that way a little more in our lives.
I had another conversation with a friend who was talking about having this event to go to and that she just didn't feel like she looked good enough for the event. This is a big problem that I encounter with people a lot. I have always been the "crazy" guy in that I would do anything regardless of how stupid or goofy it might be. I like to have fun and am going to do whatever strikes me as fun at the time. I don't care what others think. That's why I want a fur coat to dj in next month. Because I've always wanted a fur coat (Floor Length by the way). Will I look out of place at this event probably. Do I care? Heck no. But this problem my friend is having is based on the idea that someone will maybe make a comment either to her but most likely not. More likely it will be a comment to another person about my said friend. Again why hate. If we all just worried about ourselves and not so much about everyone else and just try to be decent people each and everyday everyone would get along so much better. And I bet a lot of people would feel better about themselves. Now I am not going to sit here and tell you that I don't have moments were I am self conscious about something but they really are far and few in between. And I know that I sometimes don't paint the best picture of myself in this blog but that is more because I am into self-deprecation as of late. Don't worry though, I have a feeling that the self glorifying stage is right around the corner. So everyone should let their freak flag fly. Dance to the beat of your own drum and if someone doesn't like it. Well tell them to piss off or any _____ off phrase you would like. I myself prefer to just yell Fawk You! to the haters. Although that gets confusing because I also greet my best friend on the phone the same way.
I'd like to say that I didn't mean to get all preachy but that wouldn't be true. I set out tonight with this in mind. Now I know most of you reading this probably don't do much hating. But we all do a little occasionally. I'm gonna try to do better and all of you should try to too. And if someone hates on you you know what to tell them and don't let it carry much weight because you know why they are doing it. Maybe I need to stop with the church going now that I am standing in my pulpit telling everyone how to live.
Ok so what I learned at work today. I need to explain two things for this story and I don't know which should go first so I'm just gonna start. I have an issue with hair. I have naturally curly hair and I can't ever figure out what to do with it when it gets any length to it. My issue doesn't end with head hair but that will probably come up later on. So anyway, if I get into a mood or need a change in my life it will usually result in a hair cut. I have no problem putting a pair of clippers to my head and shaving it all off. I will even put shaving cream on and shave it all off no problem. I've always went into it with the attitude of hey it will grow back. The problem lately has been that B hates it when I cut my hair. The first time she mentioned it I had actually shaved my head bald and the next day I picked her up and she was scared to come to me. So I know that was a little extreme and said I would not shave my head again since she told me she didn't like it. Plus everyday she reminded me how it was growing back and that it looked better everyday from the next. Well a few weeks ago I cut my hair. Just took about a half inch off maybe. Not too short but as soon as B came over she looked at me and said "Look what you've done to your hair." So I guess I'm not allowed to cut it anymore. Which is fine because I will do anything that little girl asks me to do. So I have to figure out what to do with my hair when it starts to get longer. I thought I may need to find me a good stylist that could give some ideas and some tips on how to deal with all this hair.
Now the work portion part of the story. I work with two black guys in Pembroke, Andre and Tony. They are extremely funny to me. They always have some sort of physical competition we need to do each day. One day it was jumping rope. Yesterday it was different types of push-ups. They also like to offer me advice. Usually on women. Its worth a chuckle. Well today we were working and I saw a guy walking through town with dreadlocks. Well I asked them how do they get their hair that way? I've seen football players with dreads coming out from under their helmets and guys walking around with them and thought that would be a good way to control my hair. So Tony explains that the hair is twisted and that bee's wax is put into the twists. I asked him if they knew anyone that could do it. Sure they said. Why do you ask. Well I told them I thought about doing it to my hair and that's when today's piece of wisdom was given to me. Andre said "Don't do that Greg. You won't be able to keep a job if you do." And he delivered it so point blank and dry. Apparently employers will think I am a thug if I have dreads. So I guess I will have to figure something else out to do with my hair. So I am going to try and post a daily piece of wisdom from those two each day because I'm pretty sure they offer them daily. Ok good night everyone.
peace out
ReplyDeleteYou should tell your friend to play some "Boom, Boom, Pow" while she gets ready for her event and she will feel sexy enough to go anywhere after that. You read my mind there at the end of the blog. I was going to ask you to please share with us the advice that Andre and Tony share with you, especially the advice on women. I would really like to hear that. Thanks for the birthday wish. Stay cool.....