Tuesday, January 26, 2010

I'm getting old folks.

Hey everybody. I say that like there are a thousand people that read this thing. There could be if each of you currently reading it would tell someone else about it and they then told someone else and then, booyah!, t-shirts. That's right t-shirts. It's like a pyramid scam. But its not because none of you would get paid, just me. And whomever I get to print the shirts. Maybe a discount is in order for you early followers and maybe you all can kiss my...I'm just kidding. Speaking of pyramid scams, when I was at that interview the "interviewer" or lady trying to tell me how much money I can make explained how their management program was in fact not a pyramid scam. I was asking how the managers make money if they are not out selling insurance policies. Well here is her explanation. To avoid the pyramid scam which I believe is illegal, you draw a diagram that uses circles instead. Geometry dictates that a circle is not in fact a pyramid. A triangle is. Well she proceeds to draw three circles, one on top, two on the bottom. Now if you were to draw lines tangent to the circles you know what they would form? A damn pyramid! This is the kinda mickey mouse stuff I would have to deal with if I worked there. Plus I don't think that anyone there knows what a tangent line is .

So on to why I am getting old. The reason I said it tonight was because as I sit here I am watching the Australian Open. That's tennis for those of you that don't know. Heck I would not have known had I not been watching it. I just watched Venus Williams get beat by Li Na. My point is that I will watch any type of sport now-a-days and I think its because I don't have to really invest a lot of intellect to watch. Although I do tend to immerse myself into sports after watching them once. I will probably subscribe to a tennis magazine here in the next day or two. I mean I am already jonesing to go play tennis especially now that I found someone that "plays."
So I am getting a little down because football will be over in two weeks which is my favorite sport to watch. I have started watching some NBA and NHL. Actually I've started going to sleep while watching the NBA or NHL. I am super excited about the Winter Olympics in a few weeks. See that's more than just normal excited. Most people are just excited but not me. My excitement has super powers. Which are the ability for me to get very loud when discussing whatever makes me excited. Anyway, then this summer you have the 2010 FIFA Worldcup. And of course the Tour de France. No lie last year I tivo'd the Tour on days I could not be home to watch it. That's were my Bicycling magazine subscription came from. My triathlete magazine came from me watching the Ford Ironman World Championships in Kona this year. I even tivo'd bull riding a few weeks ago. I may have a problem. Oh yeah its that I am getting old

Another sign that I am getting old besides the chronic back pain every morning when getting up is that I can hurt myself quite easily now at my age. Today I was at work and I was pouring some curb. This was my second attempt at this curb. The first was met with great disapproval from the DOT inspector lady. I can't say I blame her for rejecting it. I mean it looked bad. And when she came to say that it looked bad she turned and asked me "Were you in charge of that?" I took that very personally. Then again how couldn't I? It was directed at me and that is what I've been hired to do. So today I tried again but on a much smaller scale. Now I had started to seriously doubt my capabilities to hand make curb. I come with a reputation of being able to do it well. Well the truth is I managed a group of employees who did it very very well. Its kind of like guilty by association except for in a good way. My actual experience "pulling" curb is minimal. And by minimal I mean I may have done it twice in my illustrious career. But I do not back down from a challenge but after last week I really started to question if I had bitten off more than I could handle. Well let me tell you, I had not. The curb I created today was beautiful, almost perfect. And I wound up doing it all by myself. Good lord it looked good. So now we are getting to the old portion of the story which turned into more of a how good am I story. Well after finishing and surveying my master piece, I proceeded to throw down my hand tools, raise both arms in the air in victorious fashion, and then do a handstand on the side of highway 204. And another. And that was the last one because I hurt my wrists. Both of them. To the point that they still are sore tonight. Was it worth it in the end? Hell Yeah! The city of Pembroke needs to be aware that greatness is among them. They just need to be gentle with me when shaking my hands. Don't want to fracture any bones.
Well that's about it for this evening. Plus I need to pay attention to this tennis match. So good night. Sleep tight. And don't let the bed bugs bite. You may actually want to wash your sheets if you have bed bugs you nasty person you.

peace out

1 comment:

  1. Gregory,
    When you talk about "pulling" curb, do you actually pull on the concrete like with a shovel or something?
