Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Happy day after National Pancake Day!

So its been almost a full year since I last posted and have been giving it a lot of thought to start posting again. So here is my attempt at getting back in the saddle.

lets get everyone caught up:

I have actually been working at a job for the last year. When I started this blog I was unemployed and tried that for a year. It was good times but financially a very bad idea. I work at a car dealership now and some of the things that I hear on a daily basis will work well for posts such as "What I learned at work today".

Anyway, so national pancake day came and went and I did not recieve a single pancake bouquet. I dont know if they exist but they should and someone out there should have sent me one. Ok Im going to go now but I will try very hard to do a better job at posting more often.


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